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emotional evolution

The mission of Illkiller is to teach about emotional processing, to reduce suffering,

and to evolve emotionally.

Emotions can make us feel vulnerable and

we tend to resist against that.


When we process our emotions

we unlock their value

which enriches our inner beauty, builds strength of character and

makes us flow through life as we leave resistance behind.

​​Our vulnerability teaches us to be less vulnerable! 

Behind illkiller: stefania Pönitz


I am Stefania Pönitz, 41 years old and I am from The Netherlands. In my childhood, I started struggling with emotions because of my undiagnosed complex - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A big part of my life was about looking for answers to stabalize my emotional highs and lows. For ten long years, I searched for answers in the then only socially acceptable realm of social work and western medicine like psychology and psychiatry. Unfortunately, this was to no avail. At 18 years old, I switched to alternative healing. It started off with meditation which had a significant impact after only a month of practicing. I went on to do Reiki I and II and ended up becoming an aura healing and reading therapist completing the three-year program by the age of 25.

The search for answers about my emotions and the essence of the emotional process was not over yet. In the following years, I built a small private practice at home while I kept researching the emotional process. A year later, I found the answers that I was looking for and this led to the creation of several workshops and a weekly meditation class to bring the 5 steps for managing the emotional process to my local community.

As I approached my thirties I made changes to my lifestyle and for a short period of time, I felt on top of the world. All the work I had been doing on myself for a decade came to a climax. The short-lived high was followed by a fall when my suppressed childhood traumas resurfaced and knocked me completely out of the game. At least, now, I understood where the core of my discomfort originated. I lost almost everything I had health, happiness, social life, and material possessions. Now, I am back in the game and instead of starting a new private practice, I have decided to focus on teaching the international and online world. With online workshops, consultations, and a lively presence on social media, I am spreading the message about the emotional process in a holistic context.

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